Join the #Sweatcoin2023ME challenge, set resolutions that matter & win an Apple Watch Series 8

šŸ’„Make 2023 YOUR year & win an Apple āŒš

Sweatcoin Updates

POV: each year, you set out elaborate & ambitious New Year resolutions on which you fail to follow through on starting with February. Yeah, us too!Ā 


If a ā€œnew youā€ is on your 2023 vision board, your best bet is to keep it real. And personal. Sticking to resolutions is hard. Itā€™s also doable. (We swear.)

Not everybody is going to become a lean, mean, weight-lifting machine just because the clock struck 12 on New Yearā€™s Eve. So, if youā€™re busy drafting #newyearresolutions that you actually want to keep, hereā€™s what we suggest:Ā 

Try something new this year (thatā€™s not a recipe!). Weā€™re talking about a challenge thatā€™s guaranteed to help you stick to those goals. Intrigued? Allow us to explain!

Weā€™re calling it #Sweatcoin2023ME because 1). it has a nice ring to it!, and 2). thatā€™s what sustainable success is all about: making it personal.Ā 


Your goals should make sense to YOU. Period. They donā€™t need to align with some trend or be shared with your coworkers.Ā 

That being said, and keeping in line with the Sweatcoin ā€œyou do youā€ spirit, we decided to run a challenge centered on that exact idea. If you're determined to make 2023 the best year yet, hereā€™s what you need to do:

  1. Make a 3 items resolution list for 2023

Why only 3 goals?

Who needs an overwhelming 20 item list at the beginning of the year that makes everything seem too large or difficult to achieve? No one!Ā 

  1. Include 1 goal that belongs to each category - body, mind & fun

Why is this important?Ā 

Keep it simple and include things you want to achieve in the most important areas of our life: physical health, mental wellbeing and the fun stuff (no matter what that means to you).Ā 

  1. Share your list

Why is this important?Ā 

Because sharing your resolutions with others is the way to make sure you're going to be intentional with your goals. Research shows that the chances of achieving your goal are greatly increased when you share since it makes it very real and others can hold you accountable.

If you want to get your friends on aboard too and have accountability buddies, share the #Sweatcoin2023ME challenge with them and sent invites so they use Sweatcoin to stay active & motivated daily, too!Ā 


  1. Make it funĀ 

Remember the epic scene from ā€œLove, actuallyā€ when the guy comes to the girl's door and makes the ultimate speech using cards instead of words? EPIC!

Recreate that in a video by using the remix feature and by writing each resolution on a card and presenting it to the world! You can show your face or just the resolutions, be alone in the video or with your fam, dance or make funny faces. Remember, ā€œTo me, you are perfect!ā€Ā 


ā€” šŸ«¶ Need inspiration? Check out this video, it's super easy to replicate! šŸ«¶ ā€“Ā 


  1. Use the hashtag #Sweatcoin2023ME & add your unique link in your bio

Post the video on your socials, use the hashtag and donā€™t forget to tag us. Add your unique link in bio, too! How else are we going to select the winner? Get your friends on board, too!Ā 


šŸ’” For Sweatcoin influencers:

ā€This is your cue to inspire others and share the video with your audience. Itā€™s fresh content with a personal touch that your followers will appreciate, not to mention be inspired by. Oh yeah, the invites still mean rewards for you, so get filming & posting!


Speaking about winners, the grand prize of the challenge is an Apple Watch and the competition stays on until the end of January.Ā 

Yes, weā€™ll be reposting your creations! Even Sweatcoin employees are doing it! So bring on your A- game!Ā 


The key to keeping your wellness journey into February and beyond is #Sweatcoin2023ME. In other words, challenge, accepted!Ā šŸ’Ŗ
